When you’re looking for insurance it may become overwhelming. Because there are a vast number of insurance companies and agents you want to choose wisely. Did you know that independent insurance agencies represent multiple companies? This will give you the advantage of having your insurance quoted by many companies through one agency!
Here are three important factors to consider when choosing the right insurance agency for you:
1. They help you Bundle and Save with Multi-Policy Discounts
Once you’ve decided to shop for insurance remember to consider multi-policy discounts! Keeping in mind it really doesn’t matter how many discounts you will receive, just the qualified quoted premium matters. Whether you are buying personal or commercial insurance, package your coverage to benefit from the multi-policy discounts.
2. They have an established reputation (both locally and online)
Is the agent recommended by others you know? If you are new to an area, consider visiting with the agent before purchasing. This will be your on-site inspection of the agency and its employees.
3. They provide you with prompt and friendly service
You buy insurance for peace of mind. Choose an agent that wants to provide you with excellent service. An independent agency can find options for insurance through several carriers and markets!
Here at Jeff Munns Agency, Inc., we work hard to meet all of these points. If you feel we may be the right agency for your insurance search, we would love the opportunity to quote your insurance! Request a free quote today and we will be in touch.
© Jeff Munns Agency, Inc.
Informational statements regarding insurance coverage are for general description purposes only. Read our disclaimer.